Five Paintings


a Crown

 An Attempt to Survive


Supposedly Jesus saved the entire humanity with the death of one, according to Matthews.

So who do we save with our own sacrifice?

The question is clear, we are not living in a world that revolves around a single protagonist, nor in a world which Marvel superheroes can implement their own justice and salvation; we live intensely in a world of illusions under the control of our own perceptions. In our own world there have only been two characters from the beginning: the protagonist and the antagonist.

                                                                    [they are one.

The Human Being is a cluster of antagonistic concepts, it is always in the conflict of loving and hating itself at the same time. Hate comes from the fear of recognizing oneself as one is, and loving oneself: from the love of staying alive.

We look like people locked in a dark sewer, with water flooded up to our faces, trying to get a breath of fresh air through the drain strips that face the street, seeing the piece of sky split by the rusty metals, we see it change color by color, from the infinite shades of blues to violets, reds… And, once again, he is alone. Tired already of hearing the echoes of his own agony, he takes one last breath and drops, plunging into the filthy, rat-ridden waters, discovering for the first time how comfortable it is...

And he wakes up from the long long sleep.

In response to the initial question, in a world of only two characters, the death of one gives way to a single protagonist, with a blank script, without drama, missions, motives...

Hopefully, we can save ourselves.

Five paintings placed on the wall in the shape of a cross, with a crown of barbed wire on the top, illuminated by a red LED placed inside.